The movie The Bikeriders, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Jeff Nichols and inspired by Danny Lyon's book published in 1968, will come soon in all americans and european cinemas. Starting from June 19 the movie, which includes in the cast the actors Austin Butler, Jodie Comer and Tom Hardy, will bring you into the world of the Outlaws MC, one of the four oldest and most international motorcycle clubs in the world. Main release dates:
- Italy | June 19
- France | June 19
- Germany | June 20
- USA | June 21
- UK and Ireland | June 21
The adventurous life of Danny Lyon is the subject of his recently published book This Is My Life I'm Talking About (Damiani, 2024),
his two-year stint with the the Outlaws MC (1965-1967) that lead to his seminal book and now to the movie The Bikeriders.